There was no surprise in another round of the Croatian Championship. Favorites have confirmed their status. A little more excitement offered Zagreb Championship in the game between Medvednica and Giants. Medvednica won 11:9. Despite the rain all the matches have been finished.
Junior and senior NT preparing through Croatian Campionship games
Our junior women national team is participating in July on the European Championships in Italy, and senior national team travels to the European Championship in the Czech Republic in June. According to the wishes of the team managers, Petra Čizmić Pokrajac (juniors) and Luka Mektić (senior) teams participate in the Croatian Championship out of competition

Croatian Cup for men is starting
On Sunday 06.05.2018. first matches of Croatian Cup for seniors will start. First match will be between Span and Giants. Softball club Zadar will come to Zagreb to play against team Špansko in second game. Sunday 06.05. Jarun 10.00h SPAN – Giants sen

Princ won second minime tournament!
On Saturday 28.04.2018. at Jarun lake second minime Croatian Championship tournament was played. Five games were played. Team Princ won the tournamnet after close win in finals against team Špansko. Saturday 28.04. Jarun 10.30h Princ – Špansko 20:13 11.30h Dubrava – Špansko 8:16 12.30h Princ – Dubrava 16:10 13.30h Princ – Špansko 6:5 finale
Prijateljska slowpitch mixed softball utakmica Split Angels vs Zadar Donat
Prošli tjedan je u Splitu odigrana prijateljska slowpitch coed utakmica između Split Angelsa i Zadar Donata. Raduje nas da se softball vratio u grad iz kojeg je krenuo razvoj ovog sporta u Hrvatskoj. Zadar je ovu utakmicu iskoristio kao pripremu za nadolazeći vikend i muški Kup koji se igra u Zagrebu. Nadamo se da ćemo
New women’s Euroleague season begins. First tournament is in Kunovice, Czech Republic, from 21st until 22nd of April. From Croatia, Softball clubs Princ and Novi Zagreb will participate . Other clubs competing in this first tournament are the hosts Snails Kunovice, Astros and Reds from Hungary, Slovakia’s Trnava and Euroleague debutants Bulgaria’s Angels and Wild
Senior Women season start this weekend!
On Saturday 14.04.2018. first matches in this season for women’s senior teams are scheduled. The strengths will be measured between Lady Pirates and Pink Panthers, and than Princ and Pink Pathers will play the match that was postponed. We are inviting everyone to come to see are our players ready for new season and is

Junior and Minime games for the weekend
On Saturday 14.04.2018. on Jarun will Zagreb Juniors Championship be played. The juniors of SPAN, Španskog and Dubrava participate in the championship. Next year, our National Team will play on European Junior and Cadet Championships so it is important that our juniors, some of whom already play in the senior teams, play as many games
Giantsi i Medvedi otvorili sezonu
U nedjelju, 8.4.2018., odigrana je prva službena utakmica hrvatskog prvenstva. Medvedi su sezonu otvorili uvjerljivom pobjedom protiv Giantsa. Gia-Med_8.4.2018. Stastika Također su odigrane i dvije pripremne utakmice seniorske reprezenzacije i to protiv ekipe Giantsa i Medvednice. Obje utakmice je dobila seniorska reprezentacija, 13:3 protiv Giantsa i 11:6 protiv Medvednice.

Završen 11. Forever Fastpitch turnir
Ovaj vikend odigran je 11. Forever Fastpitch turnir na kojem je sudjelovalo rekordni broj od 9 ekipa iz raznih zemalja- Bugarska, Mađarska, Italija, Češka pa čak i Švedska. U tri dana odigrano je 25 utakmica na dva terena. Konačan poredak: Storms (Češka) Princ Stars (Italija) Lady Pirates (Hrvatska) Leksand (Švedska) Mađarska U22 reprezentacija Akademics (Bugarska)