Second Interleague tournament

Our teams Lady Pirates and Princ Zagreb are in Budapest playing second Interleague tournament this weekend. Schedule: Standings(informative becouse not all teams played same number of games): More info and results you can find on Interleague facebook page.

Dubrava eliminated in battle for Croatian Cup

On ThursdayA�4.6.2015. on field Mladost two Croatian Cup Men games were played. Team Zagreb Giantsa defeated Span 9:2, and on 26.09.2015. they will play against SK A�pansko which is winner of the first Cup game. After loss against Giants, Span defeated Dubrava and with that winn Span managed to stay in the battle for the

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First youth tournament played

On Sunday 07.06.2015. on Softball field Jarun first Youth Tournament was played. Teams that competed are: Dubrava, Princ and Špansko. Dubrava showed better game than other teams. First tournament Croatian Shampionship – Jarun – Sunday 07.06.2015. Špansko – Princ                                        5:12 Princ – Dubrava                                       13:21 Dubrava – Špansko                                 20:2 finals: Dubrava – Princ                   

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Free softball camp on Jarun organised by Softball Club Princ

Camp will take place on Jarun on Softball Centre Princ Zagreb (Ribički prilaz 2) from 17.06.2015. to 23.06.2015. On camp will be 40 kids from 08 – 13 years old (born from 2008 – 2002) from Zagreb. More info on mail: or phone 091 519 8900. You can also find info on:

Croatian sport parlament

New Sports Law is bad and unacceptable for Croatian Sport was one of conclusions on Sports parliament held on Faculty of KinesiologyA�of Zagreb on Tuesday 26.05.2015. Parliament was organised by Croatian Olympic Committee andA�Faculty of KinesiologyA�of Zagreb, there were more than 200 people from Sport Organisations, Olympians and sport players, sport institutions and academics.  

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Giants made two new victories

Last weekend two senior men games were played. Giants made two new victories, 4:12 against SPAN and 0:17 against Dubrava. Results SPAN – Zagreb Giants A�(sen m hp-08) A� A� A� A� A� A�A�4:12 Dubrava – Zagreb Giants A�(sen m hp-09)A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� 0:17

Saturday women games, Sunday men games!

Weekend ahead of us is filled with softball games. On Saturday on field Jarun and Mladost men games will be played, and on Sunday women games. Favorites Mrki Medvedi are playing against A�pansko and Dubrava, while in women game Lady Pirates have chance to get back to Princ for two losses last weekend. Games Lady

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Kadeti MIX i kadeti M – rezultati

OdrA?ani su prvi turniri kadeta MIX i muA?kih kadeta. Kod kadeta mix ekipa A�pansko 2 ostvarila je dvije pobjede, a kod kadeta muA?kih prvo mjesto drA?i ekipa Dubrave. NaA?alost ekipa Spana nije se uspjela skupiti pa su odigrali prijateljske utakmice. Rezultati utakmica Subota 25.04. Kadeti HP-1 (Mix) A�pansko 1 – A�pansko 2 3:5 A�pansko 2

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Juniorke nastupaju na Foreveru!

A?enska juniorska reprezentacija nastupiti A�e od 1.-3.5.2015. na meA�unarodnom turniru ‘Forever Fastpitch’ u organizaciji SK Princ. Na turniru sudjelujuA�4 ekipe: Wildcats (Srbija), seniorska reprezentacija Slovenije, juniorska reprezentacija Hrvatske i domaA�in Princ Zagreb. U petak se igra prva sluA?bena utakmica te A�e gosti iz Srbije odigrati dvije prijateljske utakmice protiv domaA�ih ekipa, a u subotu kreA�e

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