Juniori i kadeti spremni za EP!

Od 24. do 29. srpnja u Pragu se odrA?ava Europsko prvenstvo za juniore i kadete odnosno kategorije U-19 i U-16. Hrvatska A�e nastupiti s reprezentacijama u obje kategorije. U-19 reprezentacija A�e igrati protiv reprezentacija A?eA?ke Republike, Danske, Velike Britanije i Izraela, dok A�e U-16 reprezentacija imati iste protivnike osim ekipe Velike Britanije koja se ne

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Senior Women NT 16th at European Championship

The women’s senior team ended their appearance at the European Championship held in Italy. With winn against Switzerland we managed to finish 16th in the overall ranking of 23 countries. The gold was won by the Netherlands, which defeated Italy 7: 1 in the finals, while third place went to Great Britain. The schedule changed

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Women European Chamionship started

On SundayA�25.06.2017. Women European Softball Championship started. 23 teams came from all around Europe to play at the biggest European softball tournament of the year. The best three teams – the medalists – will advance to the 2018A�World Championship in Japan. Our representatives have played two games on the first day of the tournament. The

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Seniorke se pripremaju za EP

Hrvatska A?enska seniorska reprezentacija priprema se za nadolazeA�e Europsko prvenstvo. Curama su se za vikend pridruA?ile sestre Vitalich koje su stigle iz SAD-a i odigrane su prve pripremne utakmice. U goste nam je stigla MaA�arska. Marina Vitalich pokazala je da je naporno radila tijekom godine na college-u i djevojke su slavile 7:0 (5inn) i 15:0

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Junior National Team competed on Ball Game Tournament

Croatian Junior National Team was competing from 14 – 16 October at the 6th international tournament organized by the Softball Club Princ – Ball Game. This is the last competition of the season. This year 8 teams participated – two from Bulgaria – Angels and Athletics, Slovenian National Team, Thunders from Italy, for the first

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Junior EC is finished

With victory over Denmark 7:0 Croatia finished EuropeanA�Junior Women Championship. This is third best result (in 2000 we were 5th, in 2012 we were 8th) of junior women team. We are very proud on our girls for going home with 4 victories! MVP reward for our team went to Marina Vitalich. Congratulations to whole team

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Junior girls are preparing for European Championship

Croatian junior women National Team is preparing for European Championship which will take place from 1.-6.8.2016. in Spain. 12 teams will be competing. Croatia is in group C with Germany and Russia. Our first game is on Monday against Germany. Girls under 18 are in scope for playing, and in Spain we will be stronger

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Croatia won 7th place on European Championship!

European Softball Championship for Men was finished. Our last two games were canceled because of rain and we finished on 7th place, sharing it with Italy. Czech won gold medal third time in a row, Denmark silver and Belgium bronze.   Final Standing 1 CZECH REPUBLIC 2 DENMARK 3 BELGIUM 4 NETHERLANDS 5 GREAT BRITAIN

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Victory against Sweden!

Our team members achieved the first victory in the championship. They won against debitants Swedes. 7: 0 to 5 inn. The match was marked by strong defense and good pitching by Belas who ends the match with no hitter. In offenseA�we saw beautiful hits, but we need to point outA�Inside Park HR by Belas and

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Croatia- Great Britain 2:3

Our NT played an amazing match with Great Britain. We started great. JerbiA� is confident atA�pitching and does not allow any points in the first two innings. Unfortunately GB neither. In the third inning Great Britain madeA�first points. After error, hit and BB bases are full and on one wp they made 2 points. But

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