Juniors and Cadets 4th at European Championship

  Another U-19 Men’s Softball Championship was completed and the first U-16 Men’s Softball Championship. Croatia took the 4th place in both categories. Although a medal they was expected from the junior NT, they were unfortunately defeated in a decisive game against Israel and lost 14:1. Cadets have also unfortunately lost in the tied match

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Juniorsko Europsko prvenstvo bez vecih iznenadenja

Krenulo je Europsko prvenstvo U19 koje se odrzava u Pragu. Nasi juniori za sada biljeze dobre nastupe. Visokom razlikom svladali su Veliku Britaniju i u napetoj utakmici izgubili od glavnih rivala za ulazak u top3 – Izraela. Utakmica protiv Danske pokazala je da nasi juniori napreduju iz godine u godinu i da mozemo parirati i

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Juniori i kadeti spremni za EP!

Od 24. do 29. srpnja u Pragu se odrA?ava Europsko prvenstvo za juniore i kadete odnosno kategorije U-19 i U-16. Hrvatska A�e nastupiti s reprezentacijama u obje kategorije. U-19 reprezentacija A�e igrati protiv reprezentacija A?eA?ke Republike, Danske, Velike Britanije i Izraela, dok A�e U-16 reprezentacija imati iste protivnike osim ekipe Velike Britanije koja se ne

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Senior Women NT 16th at European Championship

The women’s senior team ended their appearance at the European Championship held in Italy. With winn against Switzerland we managed to finish 16th in the overall ranking of 23 countries. The gold was won by the Netherlands, which defeated Italy 7: 1 in the finals, while third place went to Great Britain. The schedule changed

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Women European Chamionship started

On SundayA�25.06.2017. Women European Softball Championship started. 23 teams came from all around Europe to play at the biggest European softball tournament of the year. The best three teams – the medalists – will advance to the 2018A�World Championship in Japan. Our representatives have played two games on the first day of the tournament. The

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Seniorke se pripremaju za EP

Hrvatska A?enska seniorska reprezentacija priprema se za nadolazeA�e Europsko prvenstvo. Curama su se za vikend pridruA?ile sestre Vitalich koje su stigle iz SAD-a i odigrane su prve pripremne utakmice. U goste nam je stigla MaA�arska. Marina Vitalich pokazala je da je naporno radila tijekom godine na college-u i djevojke su slavile 7:0 (5inn) i 15:0

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Princ Youth won second tournament!

On Saturday 03.06.2017. second Mini me tournament of Croatian championship was held. Winner of the tournament was team Princ. Until the season end one more tournament and playoff will be played. It will be interesting to check if Princ will manage to keep the first place and win the Mini me category for the first

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Zagreb and Croatian Women Championship started officaly

After friendly matches with a team from HungaryA�and the Euroleague tournament official matches of Croatian and Zagreb Championships started for Women. With the new jerseys and old enthusiasm, Prince’s team opened the first official game with a 7:18 victory and warned Pirates that they would have to do more if they wanted to match them

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Euroleague 1st round

On Saturday, 08/04/2017 and Sunday 09/04/2017 A�Euroleagues first of three tournaments this year took place. A great atmosphere, with beautiful, sunny weather and energy of these colorful and diverse players, which was bursting on all sides, it was a pleasure to watch them play. There were 6 teams from Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia. In total

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