Croatian Cup 2015 final games were played on Thursday 8.10.2015. In semifinal game Mrki Medvedi were better than A�pansko 13:2. In the final game Giants were better with score 10:3 and assured a spot on the ESF European Super Cup Men 2016. 13.00hA� Mrki Medvedi – A�panskoA�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� sen m kup-07A�A�A�A�A� 13:2 15.00hA� Zagreb Giants –

Dubrava wins Croatian Championship in Minime category!
On Thursday 8th of October final minime tournament was played. First game was between Princ and A�pansko. A�pansko was better with score 2:13 and they went into the finals. In the final game they played against Dubrava which was better during the whole season. Final game ended with score 7:4 and Dubrava was new Champion.

Princ won Croatian Cup 2015!
Final game of Croatian Cup 2015 was played on Saturday 3rd of October on Jarun. Princ Zagreb and Lady Pirates played in finals. It weas an interesting game. Girls from Lady Pirates were in the lead until the end od 4th inning when Princ made 3 points which were unreachable forA�the pirates till the end.

Croatian Cup Women finals
On SaturdayA�03.10.2015. at 11h on Jarun final Croatian Cup Games will be played. Princ Zagreb is meeting Lady Pirates. For now in season 2015 Princ is undefeated. It will be interesting to see if girls from Lady Pirates can surprise them in the final game. Croatian Cup winner also gets a chance to compete on

Girs from Princ are Zagreb Champions
On Sunday 27.09.2015. final games of Zagreb Championship Women were played. After games in first part of the season two best teams Lady Pirates and Princ Zagreb made it to the finals. In final game Princ was better than Lady Pirates with 12:1 after 4th inning. Best players awards went to girls from Princ: Katarina

Medvedi won Zagreb Championship!
Last weekend was reserved for final games of Zagreb Championship Men. In semifinal game played Zagreb Giants and Span. Young pitChers Belas and Kukolja started game. SPAN took the first point when IvanA?iA� reached home after triple which opened the game. SPAN was leading till the end of third inning when Giants made two pints.

Two new ESF Championships!
Two new ESF Competitions awere pproved by Executive Council on their last meeting. Two new ESF Competitions are set up since 2016. European Championship Mena��s Slowpitch and European Softball Masters completed the offer of ESF Competitions since next year. Both events are scheduled every two years in even-numbered years. So first edition of each one
Vienna Mosquitoes 2015 Softball Interleague Champions!
Mosquitoes (A) led by excellent pitching of Whitney Robinson defeated round robin lead Trnava Panthers (SK) 8:0 in final game. Mosquitoes took the harder path to final through the extra game after loosing with Panthers in Sunday morning playoffs 7:9. It was a long day on the field, as you can see on the after
European Super Cup Men is finished
From 24.-29.08.2015. SK Medvednica Mrki Medvedi and SK Zagreb Giants competed on European Suer Cup Men which was held in Prague in Czech Republic. This year 23 teams played. Medvedi finished tournament withouth victory but they played good games with close loss. Giantsi were better than Czech team Tempo and Adegeest from Netherlands. Results and
Final Interleague tournament
On Saturday 29.08.2015 and Sunday 30.08.2015. all softball lovers will have a chance to watch great softball. On Jarun final interleague tournament will be played. Teams from Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Austria will be playing. 17 great games will be played on two fields. Schedule: Standings before tournament: