In Havlíčkův Brod, Czech Republic, on September 2nd, an exibition game will be played between Team Europe and the Black Sox, World Champion from New Zealand. The coach staff (Tomáš Kusý (CZE), Ben Ten Pas (NED), Kevin Stockford (GBR), Jesper Panduro (DEN) and assistant coach Jaroslav Korčák (CZE) staff has confirmed the roster. Hrvoje Jerbić
11. Forever turnir 6.-8.4.2018.
Ovaj vikend se na Jarunu odigrava 11. Forever fastpitch turnir na kojem će sudjelovati 9 ekipa. Od hrvatskih ekipa na turniru će nastupiti juniorska reprezentacija, Lady Pirates i Princ kao domaćin. Raspored utakmica možete vidjeti u nastavku. Forever-schedule_2018

Invitation for international tournament organised bySoftball club Princ
Softball club Princ is inviting all interested clubs or players to come and play on tournament. Dates: 28 – 30 AprilA�2017 Place: Softball stadium Princ Zagreb (Jarun) Food and drinks: it is possible to arrange food onn the field Umpires: Organisators can provide umpires, but if you have yours we will be glad if they
Softball Club Princ has a project Sport Exchange a�� 60 young participants for 9 days will learn about sport!
Youth Exchange a�?Sports Xchangea�? is held in Zagreb, from 3rd of January until 11th of January 2017. It involves participating partners from the Czech Republic and Croatia. Each partner is combined of a group of 30 young individuals, mostly between 13 a�� 18 years, of both sexes. The project aim is mutual education of young

Softball Club Princ is a partner in the EU project, which provides more than a��58 000 for the development of softball!
Softball clubs Prince from Croatia, project holder Ghajnsielem Redcoats from the island of Gozo, part of the European country of Malta and Olympia Haarlem from the Netherlands, are partners in the EU project whose aim is development of sports. The project called Inclusion and Gender Equality through Softball (IGETS) provides more than a��58 000 for
Seminar for coaches and players was held in Zagreb
On Saturday 03/12/2016. and Sunday 04/12/2016. in Zagreb a seminar for coaches and players was held. Seminar was led by Italian coach Adriano Morabito who currently leads the team Thunders Castellana Softball. With Adriano also Sofia Cecchin and Carlotta Salis had taken part in demonstrations. They both are senior team players of Metalco Thunders and
Forever Fastpitch turnir
Kao i svake godine Softball Klub Princ Zagreb organizira Forever Fastpitch na Jarunu. Ove godine sudjeluju 2 Srpske ekipe – Arena i Widlcats, Slovenska reprezentacija, teA�HrvatskaA�juniorska A?enska reprezentacija i domaA�in Princ. Turnir se odrA?ava od 01. – 03.05.2015.