Junior and Minime games for the weekend

On Saturday 14.04.2018. on Jarun will Zagreb Juniors Championship be played. The juniors of SPAN, Španskog and Dubrava participate in the championship. Next year, our National Team will play on European Junior and Cadet Championships so it is important that our juniors, some of whom already play in the senior teams, play as many games

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Zimska liga

Odigrana je još jedna zimska liga (ukupno četiri turnira) za mlađe dobne kategotije. Konačni poredak po kategorijama je slijedeći: Kadeti mix: Špansko Dubrava Juniorska reprezentacija Princ 2 SPAN Princ 1 Mladež: Princ 1 Dubrava SPAN Špansko Princ 2 T-ball: Špansko Princ 1 Zagreb Giants

Softball Club Prince promotes Bee Ball in schools!

Softball Club Princ coaches and EVS volunteers presented to kids and their teachers in Elementary School Prečko a BeeBall Game. BeeBall is a successful method (all over the world) for introducing softball to kids. http://softball-princ.hr/vijesti/bee-ball-u-preckom/ 

European Massimo Romeo Youth Trophy

From 9th till 12th of August, in the Italian town of Collecchio, was held the sixth European Massimo Romeo Youth Trophy. MRYT is competition for boys and girls between 10 and 13 years old. This year two Croatian clubs participated, Princ Zagreb and A�pansko Panthers. Both teams achieved excellent results and returned with medals. Princ

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Princ Youth won second tournament!

On Saturday 03.06.2017. second Mini me tournament of Croatian championship was held. Winner of the tournament was team Princ. Until the season end one more tournament and playoff will be played. It will be interesting to check if Princ will manage to keep the first place and win the Mini me category for the first

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Dubrava winner of Winter Leage Minime

After three months of softball in gym Winter League is finished and we have winners. We are glad to see a lot of young players, interesting games, great moves and most important a lot of smiles and fun.A�We hope that everybody is ready for softball outside and new season start. Results 05.03.2017. 10.00 – 10.40

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Winter League 12.02.2017. – results

On SundayA�12.02.2017. another Winter League tournament was. played. Games were played in tball and youth category. Results: Youth 10.00 – 10.40 A� A� SPN-DUB A� A� A� A� A� A� A� A�3:13 10.45 – 11.25 A� A� A� DUB-PRI1 A� A� A� A� A� A� A� 6:5 11.30 – 12.10 A� A� A� SPN-A�PA A�

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BeeBall seminar in Zagreb

On Saturday 28.01.2017. BeeBall seminar for coaches for youngest softball players will be held. Seminar will be held by Anton Kops from Netherlands and Marianna Prins will assist him. Everyone that knows something about softball is invited to seminar, and also the ones that do not know. Also coaches from older children and players can

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Winter league – 2016/17

On SundayA�18.12.2016. on Velesajmu second tournament of Winter league was played. Results youth 10.00 a�� 10.40 DUB-SPN A� A� A� A� 14:0 10.45 a�� 11.25 A�PA-DUB A� A� A� A� A� A� 3:6 11.30 a�� 12.10 PRI1-SPN A� A� A� A� A� 10:1 12.15 a�� 12.55 PRI1-A�PA A� A� A� A� A� A� 3:5 13.00

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