Our team members achieved the first victory in the championship. They won against debitants Swedes. 7: 0 to 5 inn. The match was marked by strong defense and good pitching by Belas who ends the match with no hitter. In offenseA�we saw beautiful hits, but we need to point outA�Inside Park HR by Belas and
Croatia- Great Britain 2:3
Our NT played an amazing match with Great Britain. We started great. JerbiA� is confident atA�pitching and does not allow any points in the first two innings. Unfortunately GB neither. In the third inning Great Britain madeA�first points. After error, hit and BB bases are full and on one wp they made 2 points. But

Loss in tight game with Israel
Morning drama in Monegranaro… Out NT playedA�today at 9am another match in the championship. We started the game perfectly. Kamenski and MagdaleniA� in the first inning filledA�the base and JerbiA�with great hit for three bases sent them home and we have 2: 0 already. Unfortunately again we leave a full bases, but it is only
Loss from Denmark on the begining of the tournament
The first match of seniors on the EP was the one against Denmark, today, the first day of the championship at 9am. The game against the Danes team opened pretty well. Kamenski with beautiful hitA�immediately came to the base. A�S. Dokmanovic follows also with hit and JerbiA� came to the base on BB and we
Men National Team went to European Championship
Senior Men National Team started their trip to European Championship which will take place in Montegranaro in Italy from 11.-16.07.2016. 10 teams are competing on the Championship. Our team is lead by manager Vladimir Hajak and coach SaA?a Dokmanovic. Firs game on the tournament NT will play on Monday at 9:00 AM. Results, schedule and
New season 2016!
Sam as last few years senior men team games opened new season. Medvednica and A�pansko had the honor to play the first official game in new season. Second game played this weekend was between Span and Senior Men NT. In season 2016 Senior Men NT will play Croatian Championship games but unofficially as a par

Giants are Croatian Champions 2015
Team Zagreb Giants became Croatian Champions in season 2015. It is their second trophey in this season. First was Croatian Cup. Finals were played on Saturday 17.10. Giants were better than Mrki Medvedi with score 7:5. Both teams were good on the field. Till the 5th inning score was 2:2. In 5th and 6th inning
Giants won Croatian Cup
Croatian Cup 2015 final games were played on Thursday 8.10.2015. In semifinal game Mrki Medvedi were better than A�pansko 13:2. In the final game Giants were better with score 10:3 and assured a spot on the ESF European Super Cup Men 2016. 13.00hA� Mrki Medvedi – A�panskoA�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� sen m kup-07A�A�A�A�A� 13:2 15.00hA� Zagreb Giants –

Medvedi won Zagreb Championship!
Last weekend was reserved for final games of Zagreb Championship Men. In semifinal game played Zagreb Giants and Span. Young pitChers Belas and Kukolja started game. SPAN took the first point when IvanA?iA� reached home after triple which opened the game. SPAN was leading till the end of third inning when Giants made two pints.
European Super Cup Men is finished
From 24.-29.08.2015. SK Medvednica Mrki Medvedi and SK Zagreb Giants competed on European Suer Cup Men which was held in Prague in Czech Republic. This year 23 teams played. Medvedi finished tournament withouth victory but they played good games with close loss. Giantsi were better than Czech team Tempo and Adegeest from Netherlands. Results and