Senior Women went to European Championship

Women senior team went to European Championship to Netherlands. Tournament begins on Sunday 19.07.2015. A�and lasts till 25.07.2015. A�There will be 20 teams from Europe playing. Croatia is in group with France, Poland, Russia and Spain. Our first game is on Sunday at 9:30 in the morning against France. Team for the championship is; players:A�Mihaela

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Great win against Israel, the medal is ours!

Israel followed in their performance from Thursday win over Denmark with a precise defence. They scored in the first inning thanks to RBI by Baran and in the third one, Rosenberg scored with an inside-park home run. Both pitchers were on top of their play and it went straight to seventh inning for an amazing

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Croatia today against Israel for medal!

Junior team had two wins yesterday; against Poland and Great Britain. In game against Poland in the beginning of fifth inning score was 5:3 for Poland, but hten Croatia made 9 poinsts and won game with score 5:12. Stats Game against Great Britain finished with our victory 4:11. Stats Today we play important game against

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Boys lost from Danmark and Czech

Juniors played two new games at European Championship and both withouth victory. First game they lost 7:0 from Danmark and second 9:0 from Czech Republic. Danmark -Croatia stats Croatia – Czech Republic stats Tomorow at 10:00 our team is playing against Poland.

Juniors won their first game!

Junior National Team won their first game on the tournament, they were better than Israel with score 1:0. Bruno Kukolja pitched great with no hit and 13 strike-outs. Matei PotoA?ki scored only run for Croatia, and JerbiA�, MatiA?iA� and Cacan had each one hit in the game. On Tuesday at 15:30 boys will play against

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Juniors went to European Championship!

Junior Men team went to European Championship which will be played in Most from 13-18.07.2015. in in town Most in Czech Republic. First game will be against Israel on Monday atA�15:30h.   Upcoming games: 13.7.2015 u 15:30h A� Croatia A� Israel 14.7.2015 u 15:30h A� Denmark A� Croatia 15.7.2015 u 10:00h A� Croatia A� Czech

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Juniorska reprezentacija

Juniorska softball reprezentacija okupila prvi puta u sklopu priprema za Europsko prvenstvo koje A�e se odA?ati u srpnju u A?eA?koj. U subotu i nedjelju 11. i 12.04.2015. odigrane su utakmice protiv A?eA?ke ekipe Jourds. Prvu utakmicu naA?a je ekipa pobjedila 6:3, drugu nerijeA?eno 4:4 (zbog vremenskog ograniA?enja) a zadnju izgubili 4:3. Reprezentaciju su vodili Damir

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