This Sunday at the Jarun, the Croatian Women’s Cup was played.
After a short summer break, the girls went into action.
The CUP was opened by Medvednica and Lady Pirates. In a great game, Medvednica took a close 8: 7 victory to enter the finals.
The second game between Donat and Princ ends with the victory of Princ, 28: 7.
The game for third place between Donat and Lady Pirates also offered excitement. After Lady Pirates’ early lead, Donat returns to the game in 3th inning and takes the lead, which didn’t last long. Lady Pirates, however, with a couple of good hits and a few mistakes by Donat in defense, took the lead again and finished the game in the 5th inning with the score 17:10.
The final between Princ and Medvednica starts with the lead of Prince of 2: 0 in the 1st inning. However, Medvednica returned to the game in the 3rd inning at 2: 1 and managed to keep the Prince without score. However, 4th innings was crucial for the game, when the Prince scored 4 runs and Medvednica failed to catch up that advantage by the end of the game.
Princ defended the title of Croatian Cup Champion with a 7: 3 victory over Medvednica.